Gabe Guo

Hello there! I am The Real Gabe Guo, an aspiring happy scientist. My research interests are in computational materials science, biometrics, and robust representation learning.


I will be a Computer Science PhD student at Stanford University, starting September 2024. My research will be supported by the Department of Energy’s Computational Science Graduate Fellowship. I am currently a postbaccalaureate research assistant in Hod Lipson’s Creative Machines Lab and Richard Zemel’s group at Columbia University.

I graduated from Columbia University’s School of Engineering and Applied Science in May 2024, with a B.S. degree in Computer Science. There, I was an undergraduate research assistant in the Creative Machines Lab at Columbia University, working under the incomparable Professor Hod Lipson. During my time there, I also collaborated with the supreme Professor Simon Billinge and the terrific Professor Tony Dear. Prior to that, I was a high school and undergraduate research assistant at the Embedded Sensors and Computing Lab under the wonderful Professor Wenyao Xu.

In my free time, I create meme rap and contemporary classical music.